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This article helps provide reasoning for not mega-dosing vitamins – antioxidants specifically. More reason to get your nutrition and micro-nutrients from food. If you don’t get all the vitamins your body needs from your diet, take JuicePlus+.
Evidence continues to show coffee may provide health benefits.
Apparently, there is still confusion about Americans consuming way to much salt.?
Confusion and memory problems in the elderly, often diagnosed as Alzheimer’s Disease may be associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Perhaps it is time to reconsider taking synthetic supplements. I’ve not taken vitamins for several years now. Exercise, eat mostly fruits and vegetables. If you don’t eat 9-13 servings per day, take Juice Plus+.
New Information suggests the old belief that 3500 calories equates to 1 pound of body weight (either lost or gained depending on caloric balance) is less than accurate.
Lots of sensible nutrition and weight control relationships are spelled out here. As has been stated before, “you are what you eat.”
Here it is, the new food plate.
Maybe grassroots efforts are the recipe for creating positive dietary habits.
Does anyone still eat movie theatre popcorn? Well… just know what it is you’re eating.